4 Tips to Recharge When You Have Limited Time

It can be hard to find time to recharge and reset oneself between the responsibilities of work and family life. I often spread myself thin without even realizing it. Based on my life experiences, here are some helpful ways to help you recharge your internal battery.

1. Create a schedule

Creating a daily schedule may not seem like fun or living in the moment. Developing a disciplined routine has helped me get through my day-to-day responsibilities. It has also left me with planned downtime to recharge.

My planned schedule involves waking up early to work out. I enjoy a nice long breakfast and then get ready for work. Once I’m logged off from the work day I’m dedicated to my kids. That includes dinner time, playing, and learning development. Once my husband gets home we have family time. When our daughters are asleep we use this time to work on our independent projects. We also schedule a time to unwind together with a good book or television show.

2. Take long weekends

Since I became a parent my time is not my own anymore. I have to budget my time between a vacation or sick days. It’s also important for me to keep a bank of days off in the event my kids get sick.

If you have limited PTO or have just started a job where you have to accrue time, I suggest taking off on Monday and Friday to create a long weekend. Be sure not to over-book yourself. Making too many plans during time off can leave you feeling burned out and defeats the purpose of rest and renewal.

3. Put the phone away

Putting the phone away is the most challenging task to commit to. This took a lot of practice and patience on my part.

We are a society that stays connected 24/7. This was something I noticed when I became a parent. Babies grow up fast. When looking down at our phones, we miss the most critical moments of life.

When I log off from work, I put my phone in a drawer in the kitchen. I leave it on in case there is an emergency. For the most part, it’s out of my reach for a couple of hours. I make the same commitment on days off. Whomever I am with has my uninterrupted attention. I’m invested in whatever the moment brings.

There are days when phone calls come in, and texts/emails need answering. There are times when it’s convenient to work on my grocery list. I have by no means perfected putting the phone away. The important lesson is to make every effort to be mindful of your use.

4. Make time for a vacation

While these reset tips help, I have found that they are only good in the short term. I would compare it to when a cellphone battery is running low, and you have limited time to charge it. A 10-minute charge will get your battery to its halfway point, but that will be short-lived. Personally, I need a good long break for a completely charged battery.